Flash IDE Inspired Flex 4 Timeline Component

Here’s a little demo of a Flex 4 component i wrote that displays a Flash IDE-like timeline for any SWF you load into it. The timeline data is reconstructed by as3swf (i discuss how that works in a previous blog post, SWF Timeline Reconstruction with as3swf). The timeline is not interactive in this demo, and only the root timeline is shown.

[SWF]http://wahlers.com.br/claus/blog/wp-content/uploads/timeline/TestTimelineComponent.swf, 470, 230[/SWF]

The component is a subclassed Spark List with a custom virtual layout and item renderer, capable of rendering SWF timelines with a lot of frames/layers in a high performance and memory efficient way.

I have no plans to publish the source code anytime soon, but in case you are interested in using this or anything related in your own projects, please feel free to contact me for licensing/consulting.

6 thoughts on “Flash IDE Inspired Flex 4 Timeline Component

  1. Been working on a timeline component inside of Flex for a little while now, more for a generic approach on placing assets in a time based fashion, interested in seeing your source?

  2. @ty mine is not generic at all – very specific to simulating the Flash IDE timeline, so it probably won’t help you anyways (i still have no plans to release the sources)

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