AS3: Loading Class Libraries at Runtime

The Flash Player 8.5 features a nifty API to dynamically load assets at runtime, using the flash.display.Loader and flash.system.ApplicationDomain classes. Let’s assume we have a package, test.c1, that we want to keep in a separate SWF and only load it into the main SWF when needed.

We create a project Main that has the following structure:

  • test/c1/ is compiled into Child1.swf and contains test.c1.TestClass. is our main application class that loads Child1.swf and uses test.c1.TestClass.


package test.c1
   public class TestClass
      public function TestClass() { }

      public function method():String {
         return 'test.c1.TestClass.method()';

   import flash.display.Sprite;
   import test.c1.TestClass;

   public class Child1 extends Sprite
      public var TestClassInst:TestClass;

      public function Child1() { }

   import flash.display.Sprite;
   import flash.display.Loader;
   import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
   import flash.util.trace;

   public class Main extends Sprite
      private var child1:Loader;
      public function Main()
         var url1:URLRequest = new URLRequest('Child1.swf');
         url1.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);

         child1 = new Loader();
         child1.addEventListener(EventType.COMPLETE, onChild1Complete);

      private function onChild1Complete(e:Event):Void {
         trace('onChild1Complete ' + e);
         var c:Class = child1.loadeeInfo.applicationDomain.getClass('test.c1.TestClass');
         var co:Object = new c();
         trace('test.c1.TestClass.method() returns: ' + co.method());

Using this method we could have different implementations of an API in different SWFs, and load the one we need at runtime. Naturally, we would want to use interfaces to ensure the API implements the right things, and use those interfaces for both the external modules and the main app. Note that i instantiate test.c1.TestClass as an anonymous object in the above example (var co:Object = new c();). I actually should have provided an interface definition test.ITestClass that describes the features of that external class (var co:ITestClass = new c();), however the alpha of Flex Builder has a bug that currently prevents us from doing so. Macromedia is aware of that bug so hopefully this is fixed soon.

3 thoughts on “AS3: Loading Class Libraries at Runtime

  1. Claus,

    I can’t even begin to explain how cool I think this feature is. I’m super excited!

  2. Cool feature.

    i think you can replace
    var co:Object = new c();
    var co:c = new c();
    like that co is typed as c

    Best regards

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