Software developer and consultant with more than 20 years of professional experience. Focus on application development for web, desktop, mobile and devices.
2013: Mozilla Shumway. Flash VM and runtime written in TypeScript. Core team member.
2012: DraggenDroppen. JavaScript/AS3 library to enable drag/dropping files from the local file system to Flash.
2012: PNGDrive. JavaScript library to pack multiple files into a PNG.
2011: as3potrace. ActionScript 3 port of potrace, a library to trace bitmaps.
2009-2011: as3swf. ActionScript 3 library to parse, create, modify and publish SWF and SWC files. SWF introspection. SWF shape export/conversion to Objective-C, AS3 GraphicsData, AS3 Drawing API, FXG, SVG.
2009: as3icy. ActionScript 3 MP3 decoder. Parse/play Shoutcast, Icecast and Limewire MP3 streams. Extract embedded metadata at runtime ("now playing").
2006: FC64. Low level Commodore 64 emulator written in ActionScript 3.
2006: FZip. ActionScript 3 class library to load, modify and create standard ZIP archives.
2003: DENG. ActionScript 1 Modular XML Browser engine, capable of rendering subsets of XHTML, SVG, XForms, XFrames, arbitrary XML (e.g. RSS) and any other custom XML application, styled by CSS 3.
Latest commercial work
2017: Virgin America. Maintenance of iOS and Android apps. Technologies: Swift, Java, Lua. Client: Work&Co.
2016: Ford "Superduty". Interactive mini site. Design your own Ford billboard. Development lead. Technologies: React, Canvas, WebGL. Client: HAUS.
2015: Ford "By Design". Interactive mini site. Design your own Ford billboard. Development lead. Technologies: React, Canvas. Client: HAUS.
2015: HAUS web presence. Technologies: React. Client: HAUS.
2014: [nda]. Conversion of a Flash game to HTML5/WebGL. Technologies: HTML5, TypeScript, ActionScript, Java, C++, WebGL. Client: Away Studios.
2013-2014: Mozilla Shumway. Flash VM and runtime written in TypeScript. Core team member. Technologies: TypeScript, Canvas2D, WebGL, emscripten.
2013: Grey Poupon - The Lost Footage Interactive YouTube Brand Channel. Development lead. Technologies: ActionScript 3. Client: HAUS.
2013: Playstation Interactive YouTube Brand Channel. Development lead. Technologies: ActionScript 3. Client: HAUS. Cannes Gold Lion winner.
2012: Secret "Mean Stinks" Social media aggregator site. Development lead. Technologies: Javascript, RequireJS, Backbone, jQuery, Mass Relevance. Client: HAUS.
2012: CPD "The Voice Of..." User engangement app following the 2012 presidential debates. Development lead. Technologies: Javascript, RequireJS, Backbone, jQuery, SVG, Canvas, ThreeJS. Client: HAUS.
2009: Beach Park iPhone app. "The Beach Park iPhone application lets you explore the best tourist complex in Latin America through an engaging and interactive map". Technologies: Objective-C, SQLite, XCode, iPhone SDK. Client: Abril Digital.
2007-2009: AUPEO!. Led a distributed team of 5 developers. Helped planning and executing the entire product line. API design. Developed admin frontends. Project management. Developed all web based Flash frontends as well as AIR based OEM applications with extensive system integration through C++ helpers using custom RPC socket servers. Technologies: ActionScript 3, C/C++, SQLite, PureMVC, AIR. Client: Aupeo GmbH.
2007: Flash CS3 UI components. Responsible for development of the DataGrid component. Implemented focus management, screen reader support and keyboard control for all components. Client: Metaliq, Adobe.
Development of community driven OEM software for portable media devices.
Development of an interactive security auditing and network visualization tool.
Development of a Flash based, XML driven and fully customizable geo information application.
Development of a Flash based CMS/CBT application suite for an enterprise in reassurance sector.
Planning, development and maintenance of a big German online broker site.